Navigating the Outrage over the Esports World Cup

All Games Featured in the Esports World Cup

With the current (and recent with some esports) Esports World Cup, there have been a lot of comments about certain talent accepting Saudi money. A lot of tweets have been declaring that they are disappointed in them for accepting Saudi money.

Saudi Government money is seen as a bad thing due to the Saudi's government intervention within its own country and outside of its own countries. You can easily point to their treatment of women and their bombing of Yemen. Yes, I know there is a lot more.

Some people defending talent accepting money will often point to the US Air Force being a sponsor of ESL. I'll put it bluntly that I think we all know of the various atrocities that the US has been a part or responsible for such as overthrowing the Shah in Iran. Yes, I know there is a lot more.

With most internet conversations, there is no nuance involved with it. It is either you're for us or against us which basically leads us nowhere and often achieves the opposite outcome. However, as you are reading this, we may find some sort of ground to navigate through this.

The Main Criticism towards Talent on this issue

I feel like a lot of people have missed the forest for the trees. Criticising all talent for accepting Saudi money isn't really fair. People are allowed to have or priortise different values over your own.

The ones who really should be criticised are the ones that flaunt or declare certain things shouldn't happen such as homosexuality being illegal. You can't really declare that you're acting within your principles if you immediately accept work or payment from a government that represents the anti-thesis of your values.

A lot of people defend this sort of point by stating that we're doing the change from within. I don't think I've ever seen a country change its values from outside parties on a permanent basis. The revolution has to happen from within.

The Planck Principle - A Common Defence

I have seen LS state that the Planck priniciple will occur here. I severely doubt that given the American influence from Riot which is 100% owned by Tencent hasn't shifted the needle within the Chinese Communist Party. It isn't going to be moving the needle here either.

The main reason is that the side with the power (Saudi who owns ESL and China who own Riot) have no reason to change. There is no hand forcing them to actually change since the event will still continue, the teams will still be there, some of the known talent will still be there. Giving token gestures such as more payment and rainbow shirts is seen as appeasement.

If you want a party or country to change, you need to fight for those principles and show actual consequences for it such as making a new Esports Awards. You need to sacrifice that paycheck or sacrifice that exposure or even build your own show with blackjack and hookers (a comedic reference). It may mean that you have to sacrifice your career or quit your line of work or go elsewhere. A lot of things that you pick up in any industry generally have transferrable qualities.

To give an actual example like the United States of America, you know what the Revolutionaries were all sacrificing by signing the Declaration of Independence? They were losing their jobs, their property and putting their own lives and their familiys' lives in danger. If they got caught by the British, it was rotting away in a cell or a quick summary execution.

You can't have all the accolades for standing up for something if you're not willing to sacrifice something in order to attain it. That is why the term "actions speak louder than words" exists. It isn't meant to be easy to stand up for something.

Well, if I didn't declare it then why am I being criticised...

However, if you don't stand up for it or don't make it a big issue then I think any criticism thrown at you is rubbish. You've never made it as a term of your contract that you wouldn't accept any money from X in the first place.

You have made the decision that it isn't important to you which is completely fine. People can disagree with you until the cows come home. However, they have to respect your opinion because at least you've kept consistent with it.

However, you're going to have at least someone who is overzealous telling you about how you're everything that is wrong with this world. I advise to tell them nicely to go fuck themselves (or just mute or block them).

I know people who are bi or homosexual who are going to be working these events. And they've made a decision to respect their laws and customs or even made the decision that it doesn't bother them because they live in a country that allows it.

At the end of the day, I believe that the only people who do deserve a bit of backlash are the people who championed these causes to receive positive attention only to drop it at an extra bag of money. It should at least trigger some self-reflection within it yourself on how much you truly care about these things.

I don't believe anybody else should be criticised and their opinions and priorities should be respected.